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Python for Professionals

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Python for Professionals Training & Certification Course


Python is a high-level programming language used for a wide range of applications including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. It has efficient high-level data structures and follows an effective approach towards object-oriented programming. The programming language is adored by both beginners and experienced programmers for its simple and easy-to-read syntax.

Scope of Course

Python for Professionals is a 100-hour program designed to teach students the essentials, advanced concepts, and practical applications of this programming language through instructor-led training, real-life projects, and expert mentor support. The course consists of three modules: preparatory, essentials, and proficient.
Preparatory Program (10 hours)
It imparts basic understanding of programming. The topics covered include:
  • Introduction to software applications
  • System overview
  • Methodologies
  • Requirement gathering
  • Design & Development
  • Testing & deployment
  • Industry applications of Python
Essentials in Python (50 hours)
Introduces the fundamentals of Python, including:
  • Functions and Modules in Python
  • File Handling
  • Python Exceptions
  • Python Regular Expressions
  • OOPs Practices
  • Reference Types
  • Practice Program/Project
  • Employability orientation and hacker tests
Proficient in Python (40 hours)
Imparts advanced features such as:
  • Advanced data structures
  • Advanced Regular expressions
  • OOPs
  • Multi-threading
  • Advanced functions (e.g. ITERTOOLS, Collections)
  • Standard libraries
  • Testing with Pytest
  • Memoization
  • Django

Program Highlights

Imparts advanced features such as:
  • Advanced data structures
  • Advanced Regular expressions
  • OOPs
  • Multi-threading
  • Advanced functions (e.g. ITERTOOLS, Collections)
  • Standard libraries
  • Testing with Pytest
  • Memoization
  • Django

Career Prospects / Job Roles

Python remains among the most sought after programming languages for years. Most tech and software companies prefer Python for its unparalleled technical features such as robust standard library, portability, and object-oriented structure – besides it is a free and open source programming language. Python programmers are hired as:
  • Web App Developers
  • Selenium Testers
  • Web Service Builders
  • Networking Experts
  • Software Engineers
  • Big Data Developers and Analysts
  • Research Analysts
  • Data Scientists

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