Cadd Center Training Services


Boost your career by becoming an expert in meshing and analysis with Essentials in Hypermesh

Hypermesh Training & Certification Course


Hypermesh is a computer-aided design programme that simplifies the process of creating meshes for complicated models and making the meshed models needed for FEM analysis. The outcomes of FEM analysis support project designers in understanding how their products work under various loading conditions when they are in use. This course is the first step in learning about FEA meshing methods and how to clean up geometry once you send it to be analyzed. It talks about different ways to make meshes and how to fix errors in mesh quality.

Scope of Course

This course covers everything you need to know about Hypermesh to make meshes for designing products in various fields. When you’re done, you’ll know how to make meshes for complicated products and send meshes to various external solvers so you can run analyses on them. This course will give you valuable ideas and tools in your field. You will gain knowledge of the following through this course:
  • The basics of finite element analysis (FEA) and how to use it in structural design and analysis are covered.
  • Using Hypermesh geometric tools to create and edit nodes
  • Learn how to use 1D and 2D meshing techniques.
  • There are different kinds of meshing, such as hexa, shell, and tetra.
  • Techniques of morphing and macrogeneration.

Career Prospects / Job Roles

Companies hire people for the below-listed jobs so their products have suitable meshes for FEM analysis. Since no business can afford to deal with performance problems, they buy world-famous software such as Hypermesh and hire people for jobs like:
  • FEA Simulation Engineer
  • Hypermesh Stress Engineer
  • CAE Technical Lead and Support Engineer
  • Project
  • Design
  • Meshing Engineer

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